setting boundaries during the holidays
We've entered into "the most wonderful time of the year!" In this episode, I chat with you about boundaries - what they are, why we have trouble with them, and four tips for setting boundaries during the holidays. Part of the information shared is from a maternal mental health therapy office newsletter I did ghostwriting for. Take a listen + let's continue the conversation!

when there is no “village”
In this episode, I let you all know a little bit about where I've been (again 🙃) and then dive into the topic of support for parents. We've all heard "it takes a village," right? But what happens when you don't have one or you're actively creating one?? Join in the conversation as I share 5 things that help to support me on a regular basis throughout this sometimes chaotic thing called motherhood while I'm creating my village for support!

Welcome to Season 3
Welcome to Season 3 of The Jordan Lang Podcast! Join Jordan in this episode where she discusses how this season will be different from 1 and 2. She also shares a re-introduction of herself and an intuitive card pull and message!